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What are the benefits to a business of Blogging?


Do I need to Blog?

Will a blog help my business?

Communication is the key cornerstone of every business.  The traditional method of picking up the phone and selling your business or face-to-face networking are still viable options.  If you want to target a larger audience, you need to blog.

As a business, you need to find another way of communicating to your customers to fit into the digital age.  This when you Blog.

Why do you need to blog?

Blogging is an effective tool to be able to increase your audience and boost your brand awareness.   Blogging is also advantageous to your website ranking higher in Google SERPs.  Which will hopefully build your leads.

Blogging efficiently will help your business to rise through ranks   You need to ensure that you incorporate keywords into your blog.  Words that describe your brands effectively.  Keywords that your potential customer/audience will be typing into their search engines.

Do I need to plan my blogs?

It is a good idea to plan and schedule your blogs, it will ensure that your blogs are organised. When you are planning your blogs, you need to have a strategy to ensure that you are using the keywords to be able to optimise your SEO.  Take your time and do your research and note the relevant keywords that appear on search engines.  Then incorporate your keywords into your blog.

Blog with integrity is this the way forward?

Think of your blog as a conversation with your customer.  You want to blog to convey how wonderful your company is, you need to inform and educate your audience.  Your blog needs to transmit the ethos of your company to inspire confidence in your brand.

Will blogging be beneficial to my business?

In a word yes, it a valuable marketing tool to showcase new products and services.  It will bring brand loyalty; customers will feel that they have insights into your company and help with the customer journey. You can inform and entertain your customers and hopefully grow your audience which will lead to business success.

How can the J700 group help you to start blogging for business?

J700 Group is here to help you effectively blog, we run Blog masterclasses which can be done on a one-to-one basis and will be tailored to your company’s needs.

We can also help with all aspects of your digital marketing.

For more information, please visit our website: j700group.co.uk or ring our team on 0333 7721 700

J700 Group can make your business reach its true potential.